For Empowering Women (FEW)
About FEW
For Empowering Women (FEW) in Japan is an exceptionally active and ever-growing Tokyo-based network. We are a collective of globally-minded, English-speaking women who motivate, inspire, and connect with one another through powerful programming, intimate gatherings, and a constant exchange fresh of ideas.
As the go-to place in Tokyo for personal and professional learning, connection, and inspiration, FEW’s core activities comprise regular monthly networking meetings, bi-monthly Women’s Start-up Club, and a diverse lineup of events that offer professional and personal development opportunities and the chance to learn from, connect with, and gain inspiration from guest speakers, fellow members, and other like-minded women. All meetings and events are held in English and the majority are open to both members and guests.
What We Do
In the fall of 2019, FEW Japan and WE Int. initiated a mentorship program in which FEW Japan Board members provide selected WE Int. members with opportunities to develop their leadership, career-oriented skills, and professional network.